Wheelchair-Accessible Vehicles: A Beginner’s Guide
From crash-tested wheelchairs to conversion vans, options abound.

Nearly 1 Billion People Across the Globe Who Need Assistive Technologies Lack Access
Artice from JAMA Health Forum

Don't Die Before Your Death
With remarkable quotes as: "We all are Perfectly Imperfect" and "Don't Die Before Your Death" Muniba Mazari touches our heart with her journey of overcoming her life's worst tragedies.

Stretching Beyond Ableism
Stretching Beyond Ableism asks viewers to look at a person in their wholeness. A holistic view of strengths – as well as access needs – makes any community less disabling.

One thing I didn't expect: a spinal cord injury primer
A video by Robert Fusté about spinal cord injury basics, the specifics of his injury, and how losing his core impacts every part of life.

Accessible Adventures in the Pacific Northwest Video Series
A video series about about accessible recreation opportunities in Pacific Northwest National Forests.

Physical and Mobility Impairment Information
Information, recent news, facts and statistics relating to various types of mobility impairment disability classification.

Mobility Disability Booklet
Booklet created by the General Conference Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Department.

Hidden Disability Booklet
Booklet created by the General Conference Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Department.