A Father’s Immense Love and Compassion for his Special Child

The Deaf March 6, 2022

by Jacob Bhaggien


“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” Psalm 103:13
At our Adventist Special School for Speech and Hearing, Peter Paul was the only student who could not go back home from our hostel before the lockdown started from midnight on March 24, 2020. All the students come from areas within a radius of 150 km, but Peter Paul comes from an area about 820 km from the school.

Peter’s father was not able to come and pick up his son due to the sudden announcement of the lockdown and abrupt cancellation of all buses and trains. During the next 25 days, the father never gave up his desire to have his son back home for the summer vacation with the family. He sent the officials at home and at the school district a letter from our school stating the plight of the boy, but the plea was rejected. During video conversations with his son, the father assured him that he would surely come in person and take him home.

Peter’s father tried everything that he could think of. Should he come in an ambulance, or a car, or a bike? As the days progressed during the lockdown it was only getting harder to travel between districts. Peter’s family prayed every day that God would make a way for their special son to be with them during these testing times. The small gathering of deaf church members at our home were also continually praying during the next three weeks for Peter’s reunion with his family.

Peter’s father contacted a children’s foundation to see if they could help his hearing-challenged son obtain permission to return home. The district officers from the foundation visited our school, but they only tried to make Peter understand the difficulty and danger of traveling during the lockdown. Peter’s father wouldn’t give up. He tried to pull some strings through some government ministers, but even that did not work. To my utter surprise, I got a call from Peter’s father early in the morning of April 18, 2020. He said that he was on his way in a hired car to take his dear son back home!

I will never forget Peter’s joy and happiness and the confidence he had in his father’s promise that he would surely come to take him home. Our little group of deaf members and some staff that came to worship with us sang praises to God. We prayed for Peter’s father’s safe journey and for their return journey back home! We experienced a foretaste of the joy of the children of God clinging onto the promise of Jesus during the times of difficulty ‘….I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.’ John 14:3.

Peter and his dad reached home on the morning of April 19 at 7 o’clock. ‘The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.’ ‘You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.’ Psalm 126:3, Psalm 32:7-8. What a great God we serve!

Click images below for enlargements.

Peter Paul

Celebrating Peter’s Mother’s Birthday at the school during the lockdown!

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  • | March 25, 2022 at 4:12 pm

    Encouraging story

  • | April 3, 2022 at 2:30 pm

    God bless your ministry, Jacob

  • | April 13, 2022 at 8:24 am

    May God continue protecting you and your family.

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