Possibility Ministries Sabbath – April 20, 2024

“An Encounter of Possibilities” Genesis 32:22-32

In partnership with the South American Division APM / DSA MAP, we share this year’s APM Sabbath sermon entitled “An Encounter of Possibilities” based on Genesis 32:22-32. The author of this sermon is Pastor Júlio Cesar Ribeiro. Read his biography in the sermon!

ENGLISH Sermon files


SPANISH Sermon Files

FRENCH Sermon Files


Coloring Sheet 1 – A4 Coloring Sheet 1 – US Letter
Coloring Sheet 2 – A4 Coloring Sheet 2 – US Letter
Coloring Sheet 3 – A4 Coloring Sheet 3 – US Letter



In partnership with Adventist Review & Adventist World, we are excited to share these additional resources that you can used for APM Sabbath 2024!

Download links for April 2024 Adventist World magazine:

Adventist World

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Spanish: Russian: Kiswahili (mobile device format):

Here are 12 resources for APM Sabbath using the April 2024 edition of Adventist World! Use the stories, new articles, and devotionals to inspire and ignite your local church to see possibilities in all people, remember that “all are gifted, needed, and treasured.”

Resource #1 Stats about Disability Within the Adventist Church Source: 2017-2019 Global Church Member Survey 60,040 members surveyed. Page 4
Apply this to your local church: Does your local church look like this?
What are your statistics of members who have possibilities?

Resource #2 News report weExplore Wellness Centre Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Page 8
Apply this to your local church:
What did you learn from this news report?
How can your local church involve & serve with members with possibilities in your city outreach?
How can your local church members make disciples among the unreached people with possibilities in your city outreach? What doors is God opening for your church through Possibility Ministries?

Resource #3 News report Puppetry Evangelist Brings Joy and Faith to People Across Borders. Page 9
Apply this to your local church:
What did you learn from this news report?
How can your local church creatively involve & serve with members with possibilities in the ministries of the local church?
How can your local church members creatively reach out to people with possibilities in your community / city evangelism?
Share your story on social media using hashtag #PossibilityMinistries

Resource #4 Devotional The Test: Learning to “stomp twice.” Pages 10 – 12
Pastor Venn shares an experience driver’s license exam.
Apply this to your local church: Personalize this devotional by sharing your own experience of your driver’s license exam!
Devotional explores how at the end of time, God has an exam for His disciples, that includes involving and caring for individuals with possibilities, that society neglects and ignores. Learn why Adventist Possibility Ministries is a ministry whose time has come!
Share your story on social media using hashtag #PossibilityMinistries

Resource #5 Online Resources for Adventist Possibility Ministries. Page 12

Resource #6 Adventist History article: The Blind Singing Evangelist. Page 13
Be inspired by the story of Degrove & Grace Turk, a couple with possibilities who were chosen for mission!
Apply this to your local church:
Like Degrove & Grace Turk, how can people with possibilities lead out in making disciples as we share the Three Angels’ Messages among those who have never heard?

How is your local church empowering and including people with possibilities in your mission work? Share your story online via the Stories of Possibility submissions page.

Resource #7 Article “Experiencing “Belonging” in Zambia: Adventist Possibility Ministries in action” Pages 14 – 15.
Be inspired by Terry Trecartin and his recent trip to Zambia!
Apply this to your local church: Take the Local Church Accessibility Questionnaire: This questionnaire is designed to assist local church leaders in making their church more receptive to those who live with a disability or those who have experienced a loss such as the widowed and orphans. Each member and visitor should not only feel accepted but also have a sense of belonging.
Accessibility Questionnaire

Resource #8 Story “Mobility Challenge Accepted: The Rise and Walk phenomenon.” Pages 16 – 17. Be inspired by this story from Pastor George Uba from Romania!
Apply this to your local church:
How can your local church involve & serve with members with possibilities in making disciples in your city? How can your local church members make disciples among the unreached people with possibilities in your city outreach? Share your story on social media using hashtag #PossibilityMinistries

Resource #9 Story “More Than My Cerebral Palsy: My journey with a stigmatized condition.” Pages 18 – 19. Be inspired by “Popo” Nii Anyetei Akogyeram from Ghana
Apply this to your local church:
How can your church help its members with possibilities to “view disabilities and loss through the transforming lens of possibilities” like Mr. “Popo” Nii Anyetei Akogyeram from Ghana?
How can your church disciple people with possibilities in your community “view disabilities and loss through the transforming lens of possibilities” like Mr. “Popo” Nii Anyetei Akogyeram from Ghana?
Share your story on social media using hashtag #PossibilityMinistries
Share your story online via the Stories of Possibility submissions page.

Resource #10 Sermon Ready or Not! Jesus is Coming Soon! Pages 22 – 23. Be inspired by this sermon by Pastor Ted Wilson.
Apply this to your local church:
How can your church include & involve its members with possibilities in preparing your community for Christ’s Soon Return?
How can your church make disciples among the unreached people with possibilities as you prepare your community for the Second Advent of Christ?

Resource #11 Spirit of Prophecy “Possible Ways to Minister: Paying special attention to the needs of the unfortunate among us.” Page 22 – 23. Be ignited by these 12 selected quotes from the writings of Ellen G. White.
Apply this to your local church:
What action is God’s Holy Spirit prompting you and your local church to take? Apply this counsel to how your church included people with disabilities in its mission work
Share what you learned on social media using hashtag #PossibilityMinistries

Resource #12 Find more great resources at our website https://www.possibilityministries.org

Social Media Hashtags

a. Use these social media hashtags to join the global conversation.
b. English

i. #AdventistPossibilityMinistries
ii. #PossibilityMinistries
iii. #APMSabbath24
iv. #PossibilityMinistries
v. #ChosenForMission

c. Portuguese

i. #MinistérioDasPossibilidades
ii. #MinistérioAdventistaDasPossibilidades
iii. #mapdsa


  • | May 30, 2024 at 8:35 am

    I am well pleased with what the church is doing to people with disabilities in some other parts of the world. My concern is, what could be the best way for the ministry to cover at least three quarters of the world. I have said so because in some parts of the world people are still blank with the Adventist possibilities ministries, for example, some pastors, elders and some other leaders are not even concern.
    I am a trained pastor in this field, that is, in hearing impairment and I also did wholistic way but I have challenges in promoting this ministries. I have no support because this deals with expensive things. We have a lot of disabled people here who need wheelchairs, crutches, audio bibles and many more. If such help can be extended to other parts such as Zambia in Africa specifically in the eastern part of Zambia, I will be grateful. May God bless you with this special calling.

    • | August 22, 2024 at 8:38 pm

      Hello Alick,
      Thank you for your message. It is wonderful to hear of your involvement in this ministry. We suggest that you contact the APM Coordinator in your region, who is Pastor Passmore Mulambo, of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division so that you can discuss your needs with him. You can find his contact information at this page on the APM website: https://www.possibilityministries.org/about/apm-division-contacts/
      May God bless you abundantly as you serve him in this ministry.
      The APM Team

  • | November 4, 2024 at 5:30 am

    Nous vous remercions pour tout les documents que vous avez fourni pour les enfants vulnérables et aussi les enfants orphelins.
    Nous voulons s’abonner directement chez vous pour éviter le risque de retard. Nous devons le traduire en notre langue maternelle pour que tout le monde sache la vérité. Merci bien

    • | November 4, 2024 at 7:15 pm

      Bonjour Jeannine,

      Merci pour votre message.

      Nous n’avons aucun moyen de vous abonner, mais lorsque de nouveaux éléments seront ajoutés (nous attendons bientôt une affiche !), nous vous enverrons un e-mail pour vous en informer.

      Que Dieu vous bénisse,


      L’équipe APM

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