Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Ministries Global Congress 2024

  1. Documents
  2. hashtag #GlobalOVC24: Please use this hashtag #GlobalOVC24 when you make posts on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram.
  3. #GlobalOVC24 Congress Photos
  4. Local Church OVC Ministry Resources from Adventist Risk Management
  5. #GlobalOVC24 News articles
  6. #GlobalOVC24 Resources from ADRA International
  7. #GlobalOVC24 Resources from Creation Illustrated, Inc.
    • Creation Illustrated, Inc., is an organization that supports the spiritual mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church but is an independent supporting ministry not controlled by or legally affiliated with the Church.
    • Creation Illustrated resources
  8. Watch #GlobalOVC24 Ministries Congress videos at APM YouTube
    • Be inspired by Dr. Larry Evans, Assistant to the President for Possibility Ministries (retired). Share with your local church OVC ministry teams!
    • Playlist (click menu link on top right of video to view full list):
    • Share how each message blessed you, and repost the video link above on your social media accounts!
    • Ask your IT team to help you embed this video on your APM webpage!
    • “Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Ministry Global Congress Highlights”
    • Thanks Anthony Stanyer, Jessica Vicente, Jason Neil, JD Adap, Miqneya Diolanda, Achariya Saephan “Goi”, Van Edriel S. Muaña, and the SSD Communication Team and Mr. Shannon & Caleb Maddocks and the @SANGKEMMEDIA team for their help in producing these videos!
    • Thanks to our translators who helped produce the subtitles for the videos! Léandra Hughes, Evelyn Tomkelski, and Christian Gabriel Espejo Medina.


  • | March 1, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    My name is Mweya Sadock Deka, from Democratic Republic of Congo. I am a Seventh-day Adventist. An educational consultant of our adventist schools in educational Province South Kivu 2. Fizi territory. I live in Baraka city.

    So I would like to show this for the advantage of our local church and our schools as well. Fizi territory has many children whise parents lost lives during the wars. Most of them do not study because of not having school fees. Our organization ” Young Volunteers for the Gospel of Jesus Christ” had tried to help some but others are still struggling. We ask your assistance to these children of God. We could propose you to build an orphanage that will be helpful to this community then new generation servants of God. Our local church is Malala Seventh-day Adventist church. Our current pastor is Kajibwami Kalimbiro Raphael
    Phone number+243991026318

  • | April 12, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    Am a director for Christ like orphanage and charity home and n Lagos Nigeria, I will like to be part of the of the conference, in other to help me to discharge my duties effectively.

    • | April 15, 2024 at 4:43 pm

      Hello Edward,
      Thank you for your message. This year’s conference took place in February. Please do visit the APM website regularly for updates on future congresses and other events (https://possibilityministries.org/events).
      God bless,
      The APM Team

  • | July 19, 2024 at 7:17 am


    • | July 22, 2024 at 7:53 pm

      Hello Lovemore,

      Thank you for your message! We have a Possibility Ministries course available on the Adventist Learning Community. You can find out more on this page: https://www.possibilityministries.org/about/apm-alc-course/

      God bless you as you are involved in this vital ministry.


      The APM Team

  • | July 20, 2024 at 11:18 am

    Hi Sir,,am a retired but not tired Ugandan teacher who is trying my best to educate some children in my own school in eastern Uganda.The school needs furniture, scholastic materials, uniforms, water source, solar panels for lights, food and utensils. I have registered over five hundred children in the opening of the school first term which was on the 5th of February this year.I will be giving you updates of the school enrollment daily.Currently,I have recruited fifteen staff members including the non teaching staff.Each teacher am proposing to pay a monthly salary of $200 this includes the house rent, medical bills and transport fare to school for those who are coming from far. The children am looking at $100 for those who are going to be boarders and day scholars to pay $60 for the term.The term has three months in it. Currently at the school we have twenty boarders and four hundred eighty day scholars.The school needs $6,000 to run all the school operations for a term.Thank you so much.Yours faithfully, Charles Dicken Olupot, CEO, Teso Parents Nursery and Primary School,Box 31 Ngora district, Uganda. Reg.No:190063 EPD. Whats up Mobile No:+256772851726 Thank you so much.

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