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Travel Report: Meridian, Mississippi (USA)
All it takes to begin a movement of compassion is a vision. Elder Martin Fancher, Executive Secretary of the Gulf States Conference, saw a need and set about to fill it. Autism is a recognized epidemic in the United States. Pastor Fancher sought to hold what I believe was a first--an Autism Awareness Sabbath, on…

Travel Report: Brazil 2019
BRAZIL – FIRST EVER EVANGELISTIC EFFORT SOLELY FOR THE BLIND It didn’t turn out that way, however. Other non-members also came including city/government officials. It was amazing. I spoke for the worship service this past Sabbath (September 29, 2019) The church was full and a large room in the adjacent school received the overflow most…

Travel Report: Loma Linda Conferences
Carrie and I just returned from two different conferences held in Loma Linda, California: The 3rd Global Health and Lifestyle Conference (July 9-13) and the 1st Global Deaf and Special Needs Ministries (SNM) Conference. SNM is now often called “Possibility Ministries” (July 14). In an effort to model inclusion, the GC Health Ministries Department, under the direction…

Travel Report - Newbold College, England
The Director traveled to Newbold College in England recently, for a Special Needs Symposium. Below is a link to the article, overseen by Victor Hulbert, on the Trans-European Division News Network website: Gifted, Needed and Treasured - Special Needs Symposium Here is a link to a PowerPoint presentation, created by the Director, with some pictures…

Travel Report: Rwanda, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa
September 2, 2018 You may see the pictures in a slide format by clicking on the links to Power Point presentations listed at the end of the report. A Brief Overview of the Historical Development of Special Needs Ministries in Africa The first work for Special Needs Ministries in the East Central Africa Division (ECD)…