by Larry Evans

The heart of Jesus was drawn to those who were deaf, blind, and others who were less fortunate. In every person, He saw possibilities. He ministered to restore God’s plan for each one. In doing so, He brought compassion, hope, and purpose. Adventist Possibility Ministries was formed as a means of extending the ministry of Jesus. In 2010 an emphasis was given to reaching out to the Deaf, but it has grown to include six additional ministries as well. Each of these ministries has a task force of experienced and dedicated members working to develop ways of working from God’s agenda for those who often feel marginalized.
Each of the thirteen world divisions is part of this expanding ministry. At the 2022 General Conference Session, a major step was taken. A nearly unanimous vote of approval was given for the inclusion of Adventist Possibility Ministries in the next Church Manual. The ministry is now to be represented at the local church. The action represents more than a recognition of a disability or a loss. It represents a call to these same individuals to also minister to others. Included in the action taken was the inclusion of the local church leader for this ministry to serve on the local church board. This is an exciting and far-reaching development of inclusion and recognition that “all are gifted, needed, and treasured.” The following is the action that was voted.
“RATIONALE: This addition to the Church Manual emphasizes the importance of including all church members in ministry.
VOTED, To add a new section, Adventist Possibility Ministries, to the Church Manual, Chapter 8, Local Church Officers and Organizations, following Departments and Other Organizations, on page 87, to read as follows:
Adventist Possibility Ministries
The Adventist Possibility Ministries initiative was established to extend the compassionate and inclusive ministry of Jesus and seeks to inspire, equip, and mobilize those with special needs and those who are deaf. These opportunities are defined as deafness, blindness, physical mobility limitations, and mental/social development. It also includes ministry for orphans and vulnerable children, widows and widowers, and caregivers. The goal is to foster understanding with the exploration of ministry possibilities for those with special needs and the Deaf.
All are in search of wholeness. All are gifted, needed, and treasured. All are created in the image of God with an inherent dignity regardless of any limitation they may have. This global initiative encompasses a ministry for those with special needs and the Deaf, along with seeking opportunities to minister with them. While some disadvantages may be present, greater emphasis is placed upon their possibilities. This educational mission of the Church strategically gives focus to three main values: awareness of needs; acceptance of the individuals who are deaf or who have special needs; and the development of specific action plans to be implemented to provide opportunities for these individuals to find purpose and fulfillment in life and ministry.
The following statement by Ellen G. White underscores the importance of this work, “I saw that it is in the providence of God that widows and orphans, the blind, the Deaf, the lame, and persons afflicted in a variety of ways, have been placed in close Christian relationship to His church; it is to prove His people and develop their true character. Angels of God are watching to see how we treat these persons who need our sympathy, love, and disinterested benevolence. This is God’s test of our character.”—3T 511.
The Deaf as a Unique Culture—The Deaf are internationally recognized as having their own set of social beliefs, behaviors, art, history, literary traditions, values, and languages just as other cultures. While they are often considered as having “special needs,” the Church recognizes their deafness as more of a cultural characteristic than of a disability.
Adventist Possibility Ministries Leader—It is recommended that the board appoint a local possibility ministries leader. While it is preferable for the leader to have direct experience or education with possibility ministries, it is not mandatory. It is best if the leadership for this ministry is chosen from within the groups they represent. While working together with other leaders, it is critical that planning be done by the groups themselves. This is done so they may serve God and the community as expressed in the mission statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is imperative for the leader to be compassionate, and to serve with an approach that fosters empowerment and participation.
Adventist Possibility Ministries Committee—The church board should establish a committee for possibility ministries to encourage members with special needs and to learn how to effectively communicate with them. It should create witnessing programs, recommend how to make church facilities more accessible, help solve transportation problems, and recommend ways to assist in the discovery of roles or ministries that bring a sense of meaning and fulfillment. The committee is chaired by the possibility ministries leader(s). If not serving as the chairperson, the pastor should be an ex officio member.”
To assist with the local training for this ministry, an online course has been developed. It is part of Adventist Learning Community and can be found at:
Here is a video clip of the action and voting by delegates of the inclusion of Adventist Possibility Ministries to the Church Manual, Chapter 8, on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at the 61st GC Session in St. Louis, Missouri.
Possibility Adventist Ministries,
I have Cerebral Palsy, and a mild Intellectual Developmental Disabilities.
Do you have a special needs ministries available in California, or anywhere within the USA? Send mailing address and contact information to ;
Ms. London Vaughn
5801 Spring Blossom Street,
Bakersfield, California 93313-5165. USA.
Hello Ms. Vaughn,
Thank you for your message. There is a Special Needs ministry in the USA – it falls under the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. The contact person is Wendy Eberhardt, and her email address is [email protected]
She should be able to direct you to the contact person in California. You can find out more about the North American Division’s Disabilities Ministries at
God bless,
The APM Team
It is my pleasure to thank the GC Adventist Possibilities ministries director Dr Larry to start the game. In this concern of considering people with special needs to also participate and receive salvation, it’s an issue in our church.
Our churches, hospitals and learning institutions are still unaccessible to our brothers and sisters. We may preach that Jesus is about to come but do we really match with the global calling of Jesus Christ.
Some church leaders and including pastors are not concerned about this negligence. In my area, I have tried to explain more about our mission as a church. You can see how relaxed the church is in terms of preaching to these people.
Only through prayers, we can understand who is preaching this universal salvation. I salute you for taking stand and also helping the church become inclusive in nature. Thank you.
Thank you, Brother Alick! God bless!
The APM Team
I continue to thank the group which is advocating for people who are differently abled. I am one of you, people who are busy advocating for people with special needs. In Zambia, this work is hard because very few people are participating in helping the church members understand the mission statement of the church.
In my area, we have a lot of people with special needs but very few churches that take part in preaching to them. Hence, the delayment of Jesus’ soon coming. The devil is deliberately making the church delay in preaching to these people the good news so that he can have enough time to draw a lot of people to his side as delays to come. i therefore, surrender my life to this special calling. God bless the whole team.